The Detail commended in top awards

The awards were held at a gala ceremony in London last night

The awards were held at a gala ceremony in London last night

THE Detail’s journalism has been commended at the prestigious Online Media Awards.

At a gala ceremony in London last night, The Guardian won website of the year.

The Detail won a commendation in the category of Best Local/Regional News Site, with the overall award in that title going to BBC Online East Midlands.

Other online media sites awarded on the night included Channel 4 News, USA TODAY, Financial Times and Al Jazeera English Online.

The sites honoured with commendations included The Wall Street Journal, Sky News, Al Jazeera, and the Financial Times.

The Detail was commended for innovative journalism across the last year that included our new Legacy project, looking at the impact of the Troubles.

Our reports on the deadlock around Stormont’s £80 million poverty fund, the Social Investment Fund, also featured in our entry.

So too did The Detail’s coverage that led up to a landmark ruling by the Northern Ireland Court of Appeal that a coroner could hold an inquest into the death of a baby boy who was stillborn in 2001.

The full list of awards and commendations will be available here.

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