Death and dying: Where to get more information

Graphic by Chris Scott

Graphic by Chris Scott

Detail Data asked the organisations involved in this project and the government bodies with responsibility for death and dying to provide us with a help list in the event of the death of a loved one.

Below are links for advice on financial support, checklists, organising a funeral, your funeral wishes and other support.

Department for Communities

Bereavement Service Freephone number 0800 085 2463

Bereavement Service:

Bereavement Service leaflet:

Funeral Payments scheme:

Public Health Agency (PHA)

The PHA’s ‘Your life and your choices: plan ahead’ booklet explains how you can plan ahead for your future care, covering issues such as creating a Lasting Power of Attorney, writing down how you'd like to be cared for, information about making a will, organ and tissue donation, and funeral planning. The booklet can be viewed and downloaded here.

NI Direct

What to do when someone dies:

Registering a death:

Necessary documentation:

Arranging a funeral:

Making a will:


Deceased person's debts:

National Association of Funeral Directors

Funeral wishes:

Marie Curie

Marie Curie provides care to people with a terminal illness. It offers services for patients, carers and loved ones.

The charity has a 24/7 region-wide Marie Curie Nursing Service. Last year it provided over 27,608 nursing visits to 3,864 patients.

Its 18-bed Belfast hospice which has an in-patient unit and day hospice services cared for 396 patients between April and December 2017.

If you or someone you’re close to has a terminal illness - cancer or non-cancer, Marie Curie’s Information and Support services can help. Call 0800 090 2309 or visit

Citizens Advice

Citizens Advice is the largest advice charity in Northern Ireland, working against poverty and meeting the information and advice needs of around 98,000 people per year in local offices and over 328,000 people viewing more than 2.7 million topics online. Advice categories include benefits, debt, consumer, employment and housing issues.

Find advice online at

Find details of your local office at:

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