What services does The Detail Network offer?
Our services include research, data capture/investigation/analysis, producing bespoke high quality evidence-based reports, editing written material for publication, unique visualisations/infographics, providing a fixer, filming/video for reports/conferences and publicity. We can undertake sector specific work, issues relating to Brexit which can be used to inform, prepare for change and use for lobbying or marketing.
What resources does The Detail Network have at its disposal?
Drawing on our skills as investigative journalists The Detail is already a trusted brand through the work we publish via our online www.thedetail.tv platform. We also have a loyal network of subscribers and followers across social media including Twitter and Facebook. The Detail has a team of experienced data journalists, researchers, graphic artists and film-makers on hand and this will be further enhanced through our collaborative network of experts. Examples of our previous work are available on our website. We have also previous experience of producing reports and providing video packages and our work has featured in a billboard campaign.
How to contact The Detail Network?
If you, your company or organisation is interested in commissioning the services of The Detail Network or enquiring further about our services and The Detail Network you can contact the Deputy Editor of The Detail, Lindsay Fergus by email lfergus@thedetail.tv or phone 028 90 315930 (ext 1035).