"Finally justice for my daughter"

Marie Ferguson speaks to The Detail /

By Niall McCracken

The mother of nine-year-old Raychel Ferguson says she has achieved justice for her daughter.

In a statement read out at this morning’s Hyponatraemia Inquiry, the trust involved in Raychel’s care admitted liability and apologised “unreservedly” to the Ferguson family.

Speaking to The Detail, Raychel’s mother Marie said she hoped her daughter was looking down on her family today.

She said: "At the minute I can’t put it into words because I’m still in shock. I’ve been saying it all along, that the trust should have admitted liability long before now.

“The evidence of this week has been really hard and I thought that the trust might admit liability, but to hear that they actually have is something different. But I still do think this should have come sooner than it did.”

The Inquiry is examining the death of Raychel (9) and other children through maladministration of intravenous fluids here.

For more background information on the issues being examined by the Hyponatraemia Inquiry please click here.

It is due to finish in October with the chairman, Mr Justice John O’Hara’s report due early next year.

Mrs Ferguson says it been a constant battle.

She said: "It’s been extremely hard, we’ve had to sit through some very tough evidence. We’ve heard doctors and nurses denying that they’ve done anything wrong as soon as they got into the witness box. Altnagelvin also held back expert reports that were damning so it’s been very hard on us all.

“I just hope now that lessons can be learned from this and that no other families would have to through what the families involved in this inquiry have went through.

“I hope Raychel’s up there looking down today because this is all for her.”

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